
Hong Bao

Your presence at our wedding or well-wishes from afar is more than enough for us, but we know that some of you will insist. If you're looking for ideas, we have a few suggestions.

Hóng Bāo (利是)

It's a Chinese wedding tradition is to give hóng bāo–a small, red envelope containing money in even denominations. Red is considered lucky in Chinese culture and the envelope is traditionally marked with the Double Happiness character (双喜). While the idea of hóng bāo may be seem strange or perhaps even rude if you're accustomed to shopping for gifts and cards, rest assured giving money is perfectly acceptable, traditional, and is considered good luck. Hóng bāo conveys the double blessing of happiness and good fortune to newly married couples. What's more, it's also practical and easy for everyone.

If you would like to join in this tradition, please do not use odd denominations or white envelopes. Both are associated with Chinese funerals (white is used in Chinese funerals).

We plan to use any money we receive to help pay for the wedding and honeymoon.

Wedding Registries

We are registered for gifts at both:

Donation to Charity

We consider ourselves quite lucky. We have each other, our families, and a great group of friends. On top of that, we have fun and exciting careers and own our own home equipped with plenty of modern luxuries. Honestly, we don't need more, so why not turn your would-be gift to us into a donation to charity? (We'll update this page with a list of our preferred charities soon.)